
Security, Privacy, and Consumer Protection

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Internet Privacy

The goal of this assignment is to understand how your web activity can be tracked using your DNS queries. To do so, you will visit a website of your choice and log all DNS queries made by your browser. Try to pick a popular website (nytimes, facebook, reddit, etc) that you have not visited in a while. Please answer the following questions in your write-up. For simplicity, assume that all caches are empty and you are browsing on the UChicago network. 


  1. Capture the DNS queries made by your browser when loading this website. You can do this either with a tool like wireshark. Please include your results in the form of a pcap that contains only the DNS queries (you can filter for DNS queries in Wireshark). Based on your data:
  1. Now enable encrypted DNS in your browser and repeat the above exercise.

Hint: If you'd like, install Warp, a DNS tool from Cloudflare. It may be more comprehensible than the Wireshark output.