By now, you have explored how to peform a simple analysis of a network packet capture. In this hands-on activity, you will explore two network packet captures: (1) A network packet trace containing a network scan. (2) A regular network packet trace with no abnormal or malicious activity.
We will not (yet) apply machine learning models to this data. The purpose of this assignment is to give you more experience manipulating network data, but also to think about the types of features in network security incidents that might lend themselves to automated detection of anomalies and attacks.
By the end of this hands-on assignment, you should learn the following:
After these steps, we'll be ready to start thinking about the role of machine learning in solving some of these problems.
The Log4j vulnerability is a vulnerability to Apache Web servers that resulted in the ability to execute remote code on the victim computer. After a successful attack, an attacker may also be able to steal data from the victim computer.
One of the precursors to many remote exploits is a process called scanning, whereby an attacker sends traffic to remote destinations on the Internet in an attempt to find vulnerable machines to attack.
Because the Log4j vulnerability is a remote web server vulnerability, the attack in fact looks like a sequence of web requests, although the sequence will certainly look different than that of a normal web trace.
In addition to the Log4j web trace, I took a short packet trace of web traffic from my home. In this hands-on activity, we'll compare the two and reflect on the differences.
Load the two traffic traces, log4j.csv.gz
and http.csv.gz
, available in the course Github repository.
import pandas as pd
ldf = pd.read_csv("data/log4j.csv.gz")
hdf = pd.read_csv("data/http.csv.gz")
Take a quick look at the data to make sure it loaded correctly.
No. | Time | Source | Destination | Protocol | Length | Info | |
0 | 1 | 2021-12-15 15:35:00.237882 | | | TCP | 74 | 57468 > 80 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=146... |
1 | 2 | 2021-12-15 15:35:00.237939 | | | TCP | 74 | 80 > 57468 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=65160 Le... |
2 | 3 | 2021-12-15 15:35:00.249425 | | | TCP | 66 | 57468 > 80 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=29312 Len=0 T... |
No. | Time | Source | Destination | Protocol | Length | Info | |
0 | 1 | 2022-09-29 20:24:42.043476 | | | TLSv1.2 | 109 | Application Data |
1 | 2 | 2022-09-29 20:24:42.056745 | | | TCP | 66 | 443 > 57256 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=44 Win=270 Len=0 T... |
2 | 3 | 2022-09-29 20:24:42.076282 | | | TLSv1.2 | 106 | Application Data |
Explore a few things about the traces to better understand what the data contains:
Sanity checks on the data you load are often some of the more important steps in data acquisition and quality checking. Without good quality data, ... What other "sanity checks can you think of?
You may also wish to explore some other more basic statistics in the trace, such as the following:
Plot and/or summarize some of these features below.
import arrow
ldf['timestamp'] = ldf.apply(lambda row: arrow.get(row['Time']).timestamp(), axis=1)
ldf['iat'] = ldf['timestamp'].diff() * 1000
ldf['iatcdf'] = ldf['iat'].rank(method = 'max', pct = True)
ldf.sort_values('iat').plot(x = 'iat', y = 'iatcdf', grid = False, legend = None)
plt.xlabel('IAT (milliseconds)')
hdf['timestamp'] = hdf.apply(lambda row: arrow.get(row['Time']).timestamp(), axis=1)
hdf['iat'] = hdf['timestamp'].diff() * 1000
hdf['iatcdf'] = hdf['iat'].rank(method = 'max', pct = True)
hdf.sort_values('iat').plot(x = 'iat', y = 'iatcdf', grid = False, legend = None)
plt.xlabel('IAT (milliseconds)')
In general, as we design classification or prediction algorithms, we seek features (and representations of features) that distinguish normal activity from malicious activity. It's important that the features are characteristic of fundamental differences in the two behaviors, rather than simply characteristics of the dataset.
An example of an inappropriate feature, for example, would be the time of day. These two traces were gathered at different dates and times, but normal traffic (and Log4j scans) can occur at any date or time. Thus, time would not make a robust feature.
Can you think of other features that might separate the two datasets but not make good features?
Which features do you think would make good features? Why or why not?