"How to Do Great Research" Course for Ph.D. Students
1 Purpose of this Assignment
Different areas of Computer Science use and apply different techniques, including data analysis, math, human subjects studies, and so forth. As you become a domain expert in a particular sub-field, you will likely also gain expertise in one or more methods that are specific to your domain. In fact, you may already have developed some skills that are specific to your domain prior to even starting the Ph.D.
Unfortunately, you are also likely less familiar with skills that other subfields of computer science regularly apply but may still be applicable to your domain. For example, you may be a networking researcher who wishes to run a particular user study or survey, or you may be an HCI researcher whose research may benefit from additional quantitative analysis to determine whether qualitative and quantitative results are consistent.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain exposure to skillsets that are regularly applied in another area of computer science but which you might not otherwise know about or become exposed to.
2 Problem
In this assignment, you will teach an assignment to one of your classmates in another area, and you will also learn a new idea from that classmate. You'll then aim to find an area in your field where that method could apply.
3 Task
Before class: Select a skill.
In class: Exchange skills.
After class: Apply a new skill.