
Security, Privacy, and Consumer Protection

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Security, Privacy, and Consumer Protection


This course will cover the principles and practice of security, privacy, and consumer protection. Topics include: basic cryptography; physical, network, endpoint, and data security; privacy (including user surveillance and tracking); attacks and defenses; and relevant concepts in usable security. The course will place fundamental security and privacy concepts in the context of past and ongoing legal, regulatory, and policy developments, including: consumer privacy, censorship, platform content moderation, data breaches, net neutrality, government surveillance, election security, vulnerability discovery and disclosure, and the fairness and accountability of automated decision making, including machine learning systems. Students will learn both technical fundamentals and how to apply these concepts to public policy outputs and recommendations.


More detailed information is available in the syllabus.

Information about the agenda for each class meeting is available in the agenda.


Readings: Please read the posted material and (if applicable) watch the corresponding videos for that day before coming to the class meeting.

Lecture Topic Reading Assignments
1 Overview Fail Trust  
2 Ethics Bit-by-Bit  
3 Key Management PKI Lab: PKI
4 Modern Authentication Access Debate: Data Breach
5 Denial of Service Attacks Cannon  
6 Large-Scale Attacks Roundup Debate: Backdoors
7 DNS Security and Privacy Kaminsky Lab: Authentication
8 Web Security and Privacy Same Origin Debate: CFAA
9 Data Collection and Surveillance Solove  
10 Web and Device Tracking Englehardt Debate: Omnibus
11 Privacy Law and Regulations Warren Lab: Privacy
12 Automated Compliance Checking CPRA Debate: Copyright
13 Software and Content Copyright Copyright  
14 Content Moderation Moderation Debate: Moderation
15 Censorship Roberts Lab: Internet Equity
16 AI Fairness Mitchell Debate: Censorship
17 AI Accountability [Accountability]  
18 Internet Equity/Digital Divide Equity Debate: AI

Bonus Topics

Lecture Topic Reading Assignments
12 Vulnerability Disclosure Legal Risks Lab: Privacy
13 Election Security Voting  
15 Net Neutrality Interconnection